A medium-sized, family-owned company

The waste management business ranks among the most innovative and successful industries in Germany. Nowadays, waste is no longer simply disposed of, but sensibly recycled. A. Menshen GmbH & Co. KG makes an important contribution in this respect.

We are proud to operate in a highly modern industry that stands for the protection of valuable resources and which is of significant importance for our future together.

To meet ever increasing demands, in May 2014 we moved our site to a different location in Werdohl. Over an area of more than 70,000 m², we are now in a position to continue our state-of-the-art operations with fully covered facilities. 

Two new 50-tonne weighbridges with integrated radioactivity measurement help us significantly in our operations.

Our customers come from the local area, as well as from the Märkischer Kreis and Sauerland region, and from Hagen, Siegen and Olpe. Naturally, we also work with major customers and merchants operating across wider areas.

Our customers for processed raw materials include steel plants, foundries and metal smelting plants in Germany and abroad.

Uns stehen folgende Fahrzeugtypen zur Verfügung:

  • 7 Abrollcontainer-LKW
  • 6 Absetzkipper
  • 2 LKW mit Greifer

Zur Entsorgung steht eine Vielzahl an Behältnissen zur Verfügung:

  • Abrollcontainer
  • Absetzmulden
  • Fässer
  • Stapelbehälter
  • BigBags
  • 50-Tonnen-Brückenwaagen
  • Plattformwaagen
  • vollautomatische Schrottscheren
  • vollautomatische Schrottpresse
  • Hochleistungsmagnete
  • Bagger, Stapler, ...
  • moderne Analysetechnik
  • Emulsionsspaltanlage
  • Ölabschneider
  • Schlammfänge

Thanks to major investments in the new site, we are ready for the 21st century.

Cleaner, more modern and more efficient than ever.

However, one thing remains the same. Just like they did over 50 years ago, when our company was founded, our customers can still count on us. Our figures are in line with market values, while we follow simple working processes and keep bureaucracy to a minimum. This is what customers highly value from their cooperation with us.

A. Menshen GmbH & Co. KG
Im Ohl 7
58791 Werdohl


Phone: +49 2392 9296-0